If you want to enjoy the extraordinary views of rúa do Vilar, we offer you our Gallery Double Rooms, with 1.05-meter-wide twin, single beds, and gallery overlooking the street. The perfect spot to read a book, have a coffee or simply sit down and contemplate the beauty of our city.
In this very spacious and bright rooms, in addition to the balconies or gallery with wonderful views onto rúa do Vilar, you’ll have the opportunity to sleep in a 1.80-meter-wide double bed, as well as take a break on a comfortable sofa whenever you need it.
Rúa do Vilar. 8-10
15705 Santiago de Compostela
Phone: +34 981 51 98 58
Rúa Villar Restauración, S.L has been a beneficiary of the subsidy for actions to improve the infrastructure of tourist accommodation and restaurant establishments.